Playground Earth®

The countdown to a new Apocalypse !!!

In this hectic world, “enough” never gives you any satisfaction and your desire to be “better than” dominates; everything must grow continuously and also the fear and unrest is never enough. After the worldwide madness of 21 December 2012, people will start again to spread a new date about the end of time. A misinterpretation of the Mayan calendar, a new magic trick with numbers and statistics or just a brand new destructive option? The spreading of fear and insecurity continues. Did human beings learn nothing from 21 December 2012? A period of unfulfilled prophecies which were based on half-truths and incomplete information. By spreading such stories some people get more power and prestige, but basically use that power only to conceal their own fear and insecurity.

But why do people want to know so badly about the future and especially the end of existence? Is their present life so bad that they are willing to end it in a destructive Apocalypse? Or is there so much fear that their wonderful life will not last long enough and therefore they continue to live fearfully? Whatever it is, it’s a fear for the future; therefore they do not live in freedom and so do not completely enjoy the present moment.

In short: the power game of scare tactics, bluff and intimidation ends only when man decides to go and live in pure freedom, which means the end of fear, the end of insecurity and the end of suffering. The new cycle started on 21 12 2012. It is a period where every single person can use his free will to create pure freedom in his own life. The question is; do you have the will to be free? And because freedom is always connected with responsibility, the other question is: will you carry the responsibility for everything you do in your own life? But for those who want to live in, and spread, fear and insecurity there is 26 October 2028, probably a good option for a new Apocalypse. A new date when the asteroid “1997 XF11”, will closely pass the earth’s orbit. A date to start a new countdown to the Apocalypse ... ... ...
